How to Type Spanish Characters, Accents and Symbols in Linux

Environment independent

Last modified:


Special characters in Linux can be always entered by typing Unicode characters.

This method is independent from the keyboard layout and the language of the environment, so it is always an option.

The Unicode Standard is a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse languages and technical disciplines of the modern world.

Spanish Unicode Characters Table

To type this kind of characters, especially those used in Spanish language, the code point in hexadecimal form has to be entered pressing simulatenously Control+Shift+U and then entering the Character Hex Value

Spanish letterHex valueKey combination
á00e1Ctrl+Shift+u 00e1
Á00c1Ctrl+Shift+u 00c1
é00e9Ctrl+Shift+u 00e9
É00c9Ctrl+Shift+u 00c9
í00edCtrl+Shift+u 00ed
Í00cdCtrl+Shift+u 00cd
ó00f3Ctrl+Shift+u 00f3
Ó00d3Ctrl+Shift+u 00d3
ú00faCtrl+Shift+u 00fa
Ú00daCtrl+Shift+u 00da
ñ00f1Ctrl+Shift+u 00f1
Ñ00d1Ctrl+Shift+u 00d1
ü00fcCtrl+Shift+u 00fc
Ü00dcCtrl+Shift+u 00dc
¡00a1Ctrl+Shift+u 00a1
¿00bfCtrl+Shift+u 00bf
Marcelo Canina
I'm Marcelo Canina, a developer from Uruguay. I build websites and web-based applications from the ground up and share what I learn here.
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Writing in Spanish in Linux. How to type Spanish special characters.

Clutter-free software concepts.
Translations English Español

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