Writing Alternating Between English And Spanish In Emacs

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If you write in Spanish and English then you will have to choose between using a keyboard with Spanish or English layout. No matter which one you select, when you write in the other language you will have to choose a strategy to handle the letters that are present in one language that are not in the other one.

This is a quick overview to handle this situation with an English keyboard layout (i.e.: not having , and tildes , , etc)

Changing the keyboard layout

In Emacs you can quickly change the layout with set-input-method, which will change the keyboard layout for the current buffer.


Select and activate input method INPUT-METHOD for the current buffer. This also sets the default input method to the one you specify.

mule-cmds.el Emacs manual

There are three alternatives for Spanish:

  1. spanish-keyboard
  2. spanish-postfix
  3. spanish-prefix

Check layouts

What layout each keyboard uses? Let’s find out with quail-show-keyboard-layout, in each input method it prints the recognized layout:

  1. spanish-keyboard
Keyboard layout (keyboard type: standard)

      | 1 ! | 2 " | 3 路 | 4 $ | 5 % | 6 & | 7 / | 8 ( | 9 ) | 0 = | ' ? | 隆 驴 | 铆 脥 |
        | q Q | w W | e E | r R | t T | y Y | u U | i I | o O | p P | 茅 脡 | 贸 脫 |
         | a A | s S | d D | f F | g G | h H | j J | k K | l L | 帽 脩 | 谩 脕 | 煤 脷 |
           | z Z | x X | c C | v V | b B | n N | m M | , ; | . : | - _ |
		    |          space bar          |
  1. spanish-postfix
Keyboard layout (keyboard type: standard)

      | 1 ! | 2 @ | 3 # | 4 $ | 5 % | 6 ^ | 7 & | 8 * | 9 ( | 0 ) | - _ | = + | ` ~ |
        | q Q | w W | e E | r R | t T | y Y | u U | i I | o O | p P | [ { | ] } |
         | a A | s S | d D | f F | g G | h H | j J | k K | l L | ; : | ' " | \ | |
           | z Z | x X | c C | v V | b B | n N | m M | , < | . > | / ? |
		    |          space bar          |
  1. spanish-prefix
Keyboard layout (keyboard type: standard)

      | 1 ! | 2 @ | 3 # | 4 $ | 5 % | 6 ^ | 7 & | 8 * | 9 ( | 0 ) | - _ | = + | ` ~ |
        | q Q | w W | e E | r R | t T | y Y | u U | i I | o O | p P | [ { | ] } |
         | a A | s S | d D | f F | g G | h H | j J | k K | l L | ; : | ' " | \ | |
           | z Z | x X | c C | v V | b B | n N | m M | , < | . > | / ? |
		    |          space bar          |

Choosing the layout

  • spanish-keyboard: while having all the typical Spanish letters their own key, I don’t find it pretty close to any other keyboard I have ever tried.

  • spanish-postfix: expects to press tildes after the desired letter, for example o+tilde=贸 which I find a bit unnatural.

  • spanish-prefix: The one that resembles more the classical Spanish keyboard behaviour is the spanish-prefix one. In this one you will write tildes before the letter, e.g.:

    • to write : press the tilde key and then the o.
    • to write : press the ~ symbol and then o


After executing set-input-method and selecting spanish-prefix, writing in each language is as easy as switching them with C-\ (toggle-input-method) and have a pretty close experience as using a Spanish keyboard in an English keyboard layout.


Enable or disable multilingual text input method for the current buffer. Only one input method can be enabled at any time in a given buffer.

mule-cmds.el Emacs manual
Marcelo Canina
I'm Marcelo Canina, a developer from Uruguay. I build websites and web-based applications from the ground up and share what I learn here.
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How to change the keyboard layout between English and Spanish quickly in Emacs to be able to write accents and other Spanish letters.

Clutter-free software concepts.
Translations English Espa帽ol

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