Joomla Security Tips Checklist

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Tag Security


Tips to prevent your Joomla website from being hacked.

Security Checklist

Upgrade Joomla

Each new Joomla update come with several security patches, not updating means getting into troubles sooner or later, as new vulnerabilities are discovered from time to time.

Avoid old extensions

You should always keep your extensions updated, if you are using an old extension without support, find an alternative or deactivate it.

Adjust files and directories permissions

Change all files permissions to 644 and directories to 755.

Files owner should be your user so you can edit them, while your group (with lesser rights) should be the web server.

$ chown -R user:www-data /var/www/joomla-dir

.htaccess and configuration.php shouldn’t have write permissions, it would leave them vulnerable to attacks.
PHP files
All the PHP files shouldn’t have write permissions.

Fix images folder allowed files

The images folder should only contains images, it should block users from trying to upload every other type of file, specially scripts.

Not try new extensions until they are well tested or popular in the Joomla community.

Administrator area with HTTP basic auth

Protect the Administrator area, usually the /administrator path, with HTTP Basic Authentication.

Useful to prevent dictionary attacks in the Joomla Administrator area.

After having a secure website it is worth reading How to find Malware and hacked files on a Joomla Site.

Marcelo Canina
I'm Marcelo Canina, a developer from Uruguay. I build websites and web-based applications from the ground up and share what I learn here.
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